Direct Phone Marketing

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Small Business Marketing
Small Business Sales

Running a direct marketing phone call campaign can be an effective way for small businesses to engage with potential and existing customers. Here’s a step-by-step guide to planning & executing a successful phone call campaign:

1. Define Your Objectives

  • Purpose: Determine the goal of your campaign. Is it to generate leads, close sales. Conduct surveys as a tool to gage customers but also listen to needs that generate leads. Use calls or  promote a special offer. Not just a Discount but an actual Dollar amount on – Make them an offer they can not refuse. 
  • Target Audience: Identify who you will be calling—current & past  customers (valuable lead source)  – see how they are doing and as if they or someone they know could use your product or  service. Calls to new prospects who are in need of your product or service  or could use your product or service. 

2. Build or Acquire a Call List – Many call list out there – It is scary the amount of data NOW available to  YOU! 

  • Existing Customers: Use your customer database to create a list of current or past customers.
  • Purchased Lists: (shop for a good company) do you homework – pay the most is not always the best resource. When reaching out to new prospects, consider purchasing a targeted call list. 
  • Segmentation: Segment your list based on criteria like purchase history, demographics, or location. Custom tailor your messaging to those who could use your product or service. – Identifying your client base make your job a lot easier and then it just a number game.

3. Develop a Script

  • Introduction: Start with a friendly introduction. Clearly state who you are and the purpose of the call. 

Consider Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride: 

As you can see, Inigo Montoya lives by a promise to himself and has learned by a script so well he is off-script. Your team, even if never “on script,” can follow this foundational structure when making sales calls every time.
1. Deliver a strong greeting.
2. Introduce themselves.
3. Provide the context or purpose of the call.
4. Make an invitation or discuss the path forward with the next steps.

  • Value Proposition: Explain the benefits CONCISELY ( direct and short)  of your offer or the reason for the call. Being concise and focus on what’s in it for the customer us key
  • Handling Objections: Prepare for common objections or questions. Have polite, convincing responses ready. (Some people are rude and clueless, if they are thank them and move on 
  • Call to Action: End with a clear call to action, whether it’s setting up an appointment, making a purchase, or following up via email.
  • Closing: Thank the person for their time, even if they’re not interested.

4. Train Your Team

  • Role-Playing: Practice calls with your team to ensure they’re comfortable with the script and can handle objections smoothly.
  • Customer Service: Emphasize the importance of listening to customers and providing a positive experience, even during cold calls.

5. Choose the Right Timing

  • Optimal Hours: Call during times when people are more likely to answer, such as mid-morning or late afternoon.
  • Avoid Peak Hours: Avoid calling too early, too late, or during lunchtime, as this may annoy potential customers.

6. Comply with Regulations

  • Do Not Call List: Ensure your list complies with the National Do Not Call Registry and other relevant regulations.
  • TCPA Compliance: Familiarize yourself with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) to avoid penalties.
  • Consent: Make sure you have obtained any necessary consent from customers before calling them.

7. Track and Measure Results

  • CRM Integration:  Use a note book of spreadsheet as your tracking – But a) know how many calls – b) how many people you talked to and c) how many turned in to presentation and d) how many resulted into sales –  Use customer relationship management (CRM) software can be expensive or complicated ) Simply track calls, responses, and outcomes and sales – The numbers never lie. 
  • Metrics: Monitor key metrics like call completion rates, conversion rates, and follow-up actions.
  • Feedback: Gather feedback from your team to identify areas for improvement in your script or approach.

8. Follow Up

  • Email or SMS: Send a follow-up email or SMS to reinforce the message from the call, especially if the customer expressed interest.
  • Additional Calls: Schedule follow-up calls for interested prospects or those who requested more information.

9. Refine Your Approach

  • Analyze Data: Review the results of your campaign to identify what worked and what didn’t.
  • Adjust Strategy: Based on your analysis, tweak your script, timing, or targeting for future campaigns.

10. Maintain a Positive Attitude

  • Rejection Handling: Train your team to handle rejection professionally. Not every call will be successful, but maintaining a positive attitude is crucial.
  • Persistence: Encourage polite persistence, but also know when to step back if a customer is not interested.

Tips for Success:

  • Personalization: Personalize each call as much as possible by using the customer’s name and referencing their past interactions with your business.
  • Be Brief and Respectful: Respect the customer’s time by being concise and to the point. If they’re not interested, thank them and move on quickly.
  • Record Calls: With consent, record calls for quality assurance and training purposes. This helps refine the campaign and improve future performance.

By carefully planning and executing your phone call campaign, you can effectively engage with your audience, build relationships, and drive results for your small business.

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Win Customers Over The Phone

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